If you are looking to Hire an SEO Consultant with 20 years commercial experience in addition to the PPC and SEO skills needed for your campaign success then get in touch with Edible Marketing, a UK based SEO consultant.

We offer a Free, No Obligation Consultation Call so get in touch and let’s see if we are the right fit.

But if you want a little more detail before the call, please read on.

Why Choose Edible as your SEO Consultant?

When choosing an SEO consultant, you should equally consider the reasons for not choosing someone to work with just as much as you would evaluate the reasons why you would pick someone.

SEO done correctly has the power to unlock your websites potential and deliver demonstrable return on investment.

But done badly and your SEO rankings can suffer, you could see your sales slide and done very badly you could also incur a Google penalty because your SEO consultant has taken shortcuts.

Affordable SEO isn’t just about the price you pay in Pounds, Dollars and Euros, its about picking the right SEO expert to deliver results but without risk.

How Do We Engage Edible’s SEO Consultant Services?

We start with a quick chat. There is no obligation. Its just a chat so that we can see  what you are aiming to achieve and what is required to get you there.

During the Free, No Obligation Consultation Call we will outline a rough estimate of the variables such as timescales, cost and what keywords you can expect to get and when. 

We will also recommend what else we both can do to support your short, medium and long term goals.

Once you decide to engage Edible’s SEO Services we agree what your Key Performance Indicators are and we get to work, keeping you in the loop with regular contact and updates. 

However, the biggest evaluation tool you have, is being able to check your Google rankings and see them improving for yourself.

Edible Marketing- Freelance SEO Consultant

Am I tied into an SEO Contract?


All our SEO Consultant services are offered on a rolling month by month basis. 

By managing your expectations and giving you realistic timescales for your SEO goals from the outset we simply dont need to tie clients into contracts.

We operate under the premise that by showing you month on month improvement towards your SEO goals and a return on your investment as soon as possible, that our clients are happy to continue the growth of their business.

When Can I Expect SEO results?

This is dependant upon your individual circumstances such as:

The quality of your website?

What work needs doing to your site (e.g. more content)?

Your industry and its competition levels?

Whether you contribute time to support the campaign (e.g. content creation)?

Your budget?

As touched upon earlier, during the Free, No Obligation Consultation Call we will outline a rough estimate of the timescales, cost and what keywords you can expect to get and when.

Have you ever had a Google Penalty?

No, never.

By following the guidelines and best practice considerations we have never had a Google penalty for any client, past or present or any of our own projects.

Can You Help if My SEO Rankings Have Dropped?

In all likelihood yes. So long as your website hasn’t had a Google penalty and can still be found in some search results, its very likely your rankings can be recovered.

Google changes its algorithms constantly as part of its continual improvement and as a result there will be some fluctuations to your SEO rankings.

The most common reasons for a sudden drop in SEO rankings are technical, such as hosting issues and website flaws, bad SEO practices or content neglect in that you haven’t touched your site in a while. 

All of these issues are recoverable.

What Happens if I stop Edible’s SEO Consultant services?

In 14 years of operation, we have never lost a client due to our work, but we understand your business priorities may change and you may need to pause or even stop your SEO activities.

There are a lot of threats to any business and by not tying clients into contracts, we are simply not a problem you need to worry about as we have always offered our support to our clients to help them best manage any change to their circumstances.

If you need to pause or stop your SEO activities we will give you our advice (specific to your site) about how you can mitigate any time based ranking changes and when they might occur.

Google likes fresh and relevant content and whilst you can ride out a short term pause in your activity, eventually your competitors may catch up so we will assist as best we can to give you all the relevant info you need.

The Takeaways from this post

  • 20 years of commercial experience to understand your business
  • 20 years of SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing experience
  • Not being tied into any contracts
  • Ongoing Support
  • Demonstrable Success Stories