SEO / Search Engine Optimisation

SEO / Search Engine Optimisation is the process by which Edible SEO & Marketing can develop your website to achieve better search engine position more visitors, sales and leads.

What is the search engine optimisation term ‘SERPs’?

SERP’s is not the UK based State Earnings Related Pension Scheme abolished in 2002, but for many years has instead stood for ‘Search Engine Results Page/s’ and it is the go to term for SEO marketers and search engine optimisation consults such as ourselves. When a keyword search is performed on the search engines like [...]

Google Page Rank Drop Off

Many webmasters have been reporting a Google Page Rank drop in recent weeks which has had mixed results on the search positions of many millions of web sites. Whilst many industry insiders were bemoaning drops in search result positions, many websites seemed to come through Google’s latest changes relatively unscathed, save for a drop in [...]

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